The Course

Englische Handels- und Betriebswirtschaftslehre covers a wide variety of subjects and provides you with extensive background information necessary for your career in an international environment. It teaches you basic business concepts, introduces you to British and American systems, expands your business-orientated vocabulary, improves your skills in reading comprehension and - in self-testing sections and your homework tasks - in written English.
To encourage your language development, this is a monolingual course in English. The subjects are treated as self-contained units so that you can study according to personal preferences or work through the chapters as they are presented. The books deal with the following topics: markets, the various sectors of industry and commerce, types of business organisation, traders, agents, advertising and marketing, transport, packaging and marking, shipping documents, INCOTERMS, modes and means of payment, taxes and customs duties, stock exchange, insurance concepts and types of policies, national and international organisations and institutions, international trading agreements, union-management relations, balance of trade, balance of payment.